Italeri RSO tractor...

Not a new build, but as long as I'm on a posting roll...

Kirin 200mm Gunner in-progress...

Yep..more to come...

Jaguar Medic In-Progress

some older in-progress shots..I'll update as I can...

See, I do build too...

Now to get it done before the Italeri one arrives...This is my 1/35th ADV/Azimut S-Boote in progress. Pardon the rough photography.

Come on folks... Who's hiding one?

I realize it's a vac kit but hec, somethings you just gotta' have. Help me out, send me an email saying you have one you've been longing to give away or that you know where there's a dusty old shelf with one sitting on it. 1/35th scale...Please? Help me out?

a few more while I'm at it:

More HardCorps Models goodies:
HX 35001- Iwo Jima M4A3 "COED" Detail Set
HX 35002 - Iwo Jima M4A3 "CALCUTTA" Detail Set
I'll purchase or trade dearly for 'em

WANTED: the hunt continues...

Anybody out there have these goodies sittin' on their "I'm never gonna' get to, so I might as well trade or sell it" pile? HardCorps model #35004, #35005, and decals for the M4A3 nick'd "COMET". As usual, please help them find their way to my shelves. Thanks!

Yep, I do actually build & paint too.

I thought I'd also post an example of some of my work. I'll post more of it if there seems to be any interest in it at all. The image shown is a 1/35th scale Takahashi figure. He is cast in metal and has been painted with oils and enamels. I had a little fun in Photoshop too making it look like a box or cover, etc. Enjoy!

Well, here goes nothing...

I might be setting myself up for something I shouldn't take on, but what the hec. Consider this blog started!
